Saturday, March 8, 2025

How to Implement CICD Pipeline using GitHub Actions | GitHub Actions Tutorials | GitHub Actions CICD Pipeline | How to Deploy Java WAR file using GitHub Actions to Tomcat Server

Please find steps for Deploying Java WAR file to Tomcat using GitHub Actions:


Implementation steps:

We need to setup secrets to store tomcat user name, password and Tomcat url.

Add Tomcat user name, password and Tomcat Host url as Secret in GitHub Actions

Go to your GitHub Repo --> Settings --> 

Click on Secrets and Variables under Security in left nav 
Click new Repository Secret

Create TOMCAT_HOST secret and add tomcat url

Create TOMCAT_USER secret and add user name
Create TOMCAT_PASSWORD secret and Tomcat password

GitHub Actions Workflow YAML for Deploying a WAR file to Tomcat

You will create this file .github/workflows/cicd.yaml inside GitHub Repo where your Java code is.

name: Build a WAR file using Maven and Deploy Java App to Tomcat running in AWS EC2
    branches: [ "main" ]
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    - uses: actions/checkout@v3
    - name: Set up JDK 11
      uses: actions/setup-java@v2
        distribution: 'adopt'
        java-version: '11'
    - name: Build with Maven
      run: mvn clean install -f MyWebApp/pom.xml
    - name: Deploy to Tomcat
      run: |
        curl -v -u ${{ secrets.TOMCAT_USER }}:${{ secrets.TOMCAT_PASSWORD }} 
        -T MyWebApp/target/MyWebApp.war \ 
        "http://${{ secrets.TOMCAT_HOST }}/manager/text/deploy?path=/MyWebApp&update=true"

Commit the file.

As soon as you commit, build will run immediately in GitHub Actions. 
Now you can see the output of build in Actions tab.

Check the output in Tomcat

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How to Implement CICD Pipeline using GitHub Actions | GitHub Actions Tutorials | GitHub Actions CICD Pipeline | How to Deploy Java WAR file using GitHub Actions to Tomcat Server

Please find steps for Deploying Java WAR file to Tomcat using GitHub Actions: Pre-requisites: Make sure Tomcat is up and running Make sure J...