Saturday, April 20, 2024

Fix for Jenkins slowness when Running in AWS EC2 instance | Jenkins Very Slow Upon Starting EC2 Instance after Stopping

Let's say that you have configured Jenkins in AWS EC2 instance and you are using AWS free tier and you are NOT using Elastic IP, so when ever you start EC2 instance after stopping, you would have noticed Jenkins UI is taking a lot of time to come up. You try to access any page in Jenkins, it will be really slow.

What is the root cause of the issue?

If you are using AWS free tier account and creating EC2 instance without using Elastic IP. If you are stopping EC2 instance and restarting EC2, this would have new IP after every restart, Jenkins was trying to use old IP address when you are trying to start Jenkins. Due to this issue, Jenkins will be very slow.


  • Jenkins is setup in AWS cloud using free-tier account.

There are two ways you can fix this issue:

First option using command line

Make changes in the xml file by logging into EC2 instance through command line using Git bash or any SSH tool.

Connect to Jenkins EC2 instance using Git bash or iTerm:

Navigate to Jenkins installation directory:

cd /var/lib/jenkins/

Modify jenkins.model.JenkinsLocationConfiguration.xml file by executing below command:

sudo nano jenkins.model.JenkinsLocationConfiguration.xml

Make sure you provide Jenkins current URL in below location and restart Jenkins.

sudo service jenkins restart

Now try accessing Jenkins through UI, it will be really performing well.

Second option is using Jenkins UI

Change public URL under Manage Jenkins->System

Change Jenkins URL to current Jenkins URL:

Click on Apply-> Save.

that's it. You will notice Jenkins is performing well now.

Watch steps in YouTube channel:

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