How to setup monitoring on AKS Cluster using Prometheus and Grafana?
What is Azure Log Analytics Workspace?
Azure Log Analytics workspace is a central place where you can monitor and manage all the Azure Monitor logs collected from one or more Azure resources such as Azure Virtual machine or Azure Kubernetes Service. You can think of the workspace as a folder where all your monitoring data is stored.
What is Prometheus?
- Prometheus is an open source monitoring and alerting tool.
- Provides out-of-the-box monitoring capabilities for the Kubernetes container orchestration platform. It can monitor servers and databases as well.
- Collects and stores metrics as time-series data, recording information with a timestamp
- It is based on pull and collects metrics from targets by scraping metrics HTTP endpoints.
What is Grafana?
- Grafana is an open source visualization and analytics tool.
- It allows you to query, visualize, alert on, and explore your metrics no matter where they are stored.
Installation Method:
The are are many ways you can setup Prometheus and Grafana. You can install in following ways:
1. Create all configuration files of both Prometheus and Grafana and execute them in right order.
2. Prometheus Operator - to simplify and automate the configuration and management of the Prometheus monitoring stack running on a Kubernetes cluster
3. Helm chart (Recommended) - Using helm to install Prometheus Operator including Grafana
Why to use Helm?
Helm is a package manager for Kubernetes. Helm simplifies the installation of all components in one command. Install using Helm is recommended as you will not be missing any configuration steps and very efficient.
- Azure subscription, click here if you don't have one.
- Install Azure CLI on your local machine
- Install Helm3
Create AKS Cluster
Make sure you are login to Azure portal first.
az login
Create a resource group first
Create Log Analytics workspace
--workspace-name my-loganalytics-workspace \
--query id \
-o tsv)
az aks create --resource-group myResourceGroup --name myAKSCluster --node-count 2 --enable-addons monitoring --workspace-resource-id /subscriptions/XXXXX/resourceGroups/myResourceGroup/providers/Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/aks-loganalytics-workspace
Verify all the resources are created in Azure Portal
Click on resource group name, you will see AKS cluster, log analytics workspace
Display Details of Cluster
az aks show --name myAKSCluster --resource-group myResourceGroup
The above command will display Cluster details.
Connect to the cluster
az aks get-credentials --resource-group myResourceGroup --name myAKSCluster --overwrite-existing
To verify the connection to your cluster, use the kubectl get command to return a list of the cluster nodes.
kubectl get nodes
Connect to the cluster
az aks get-credentials --resource-group myResourceGroup --name myAKSCluster --overwrite-existing
To verify the connection to your cluster, use the kubectl get command to return a list of the cluster nodes.
kubectl get nodes
Implementation steps
We need to add the Helm Stable Charts for your local client. Execute the below command:
helm repo add stable
# Add prometheus Helm repohelm repo add prometheus-community
# Search for newly installed repositorieshelm repo listhelm search repo prometheus-communityPrometheus and grafana helm chart moved to kube prometheus stack
We need to add the Helm Stable Charts for your local client. Execute the below command:
helm repo add stable
Prometheus and grafana helm chart moved to kube prometheus stack
Install kube-prometheus-stack
Below is helm command to install kube-prometheus-stack. The helm repo kube-stack-prometheus (formerly prometheus-operator) comes with a grafana deployment embedded.
helm install stable prometheus-community/kube-prometheus-stack -n prometheus
Lets check if prometheus and grafana pods are running alreadykubectl get pods -n prometheus
kubectl get svc -n prometheus
This confirms that prometheus and grafana services have been created successfully using Helm. To access them, you will need to run the following commands:Login to Grafana and Prometheus
kubectl get pods -n prometheus
kubectl get svc -n prometheus
Login to Grafana and Prometheus
Expose Prometheus
Expose Grafana
kubectl port-forward -n prometheus stable-grafana-XXX 3000
Now Open localhost:3000 in browser to access Grafana
UserName: admin Password: prom-operatorCreate a Service Principal and Assign Role
We need to create Service principal(SPN) and assign Monitoring Reader Role on the AKS Cluster ResourceGroup. Execute below command to
First Let's get Resource Group ID
az group show --name myResourceGroup --query id --output tsvoutput of the above command will be resource group ID. Create service principal now:
Create a Service Principal and Assign Role
We need to create Service principal(SPN) and assign Monitoring Reader Role on the AKS Cluster ResourceGroup. Execute below command to
First Let's get Resource Group ID
output of the above command will be resource group ID. Create service principal now:
Creating 'Log Analytics Reader' role assignment under scope '/subscriptions/XXX/resourceGroups/myResourceGroup'
"appId": "xxx",
"displayName": "azure-cli-2023-04-12-22-06-28",
"password": "xxx",
"tenant": "xxx"
Note all the information above and save it.
Create Data Source in Grafana
Go to Grafana, configuration and click Data Sources. Click on Add Data Source and search for Azure Monitor.
Enter tenant id, app id and secret information. click on Load subscriptions. Click on Save and Test.Create Dashboard in Grafana
In Grafana, we can create various kinds of dashboards as per our needs.
Note all the information above and save it.
Create Data Source in Grafana
Create Dashboard in Grafana
How to Create Azure Monitor For Containers Dashboard?
Clean up Resources
Let's see how to clean up the resources that were created. We can use the az group delete command to remove the resource group, AKS cluster, and all related resources.
az group delete --name myResourceGroup --yes --no-wait
Clean up Resources
Let's see how to clean up the resources that were created. We can use the az group delete command to remove the resource group, AKS cluster, and all related resources.
az group delete --name myResourceGroup --yes --no-wait
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