Thursday, November 17, 2022

How to Deploy Springboot App into AKS cluster using Jenkins Pipeline and Kubectl CLI Plug-in | Deploy Microservices into AKS cluster using Jenkins Pipeline

We are going to learn how to Automate build and deployment of Springboot Microservices App into Azure Kubernetes Cluster(AKS) using Jenkins pipeline. 

Sample springboot App Code:

I have created a sample Springboot App setup in GitHub. Click here to access code base in GitHub. 

Jenkins pipeline will:

- Automate maven build(jar) using Jenkins
- Automate Docker image creation
- Automate Docker image upload into Azure container registry
- Automate Deployments to Azure Kubernetes Cluster

Watch Steps in YouTube Channel:


1. AKS cluster needs to be up running. You can create AKS cluster using any of one of the below options:

2. Jenkins instance is setup and running
3. Make sure to Install Docker, Docker pipeline and Kubectl CLI plug-ins are installed in Jenkins

4.  Install Docker in Jenkins and Jenkins have proper permission to perform Docker builds
5. Install Kubectl on Jenkins instance
6. ACR is also setup in Azure cloud. 
8. Dockerfile created along with the application source code for springboot App.
9. Modify K8S manifest file per acr, image name for AKS Deployment.
10. Install Azure CLI on your local machine. (We will be creating the AKS cluster from our local machine)

The Code for this video is here:
and make necessary changes in jenkins-aks-deploy-from-acr.yaml file after you fork into your account.

Step # 1 - Create Credentials to connect to ACR from Jenkins

Go to Azure Portal console, go to container registry
Settings--> Access keys
Get the username and password 
Go to Jenkins-> Manage Jenkins. Create credentials.

Enter ID as ACR and enter some text for description and Save

Step #2 - Create Credentials for connecting to AKS cluster using Kubeconfig

Go to Jenkins UI, click on Credentials -->

Click on Global credentials
Click on Add Credentials

use secret file from drop down.

you should see the nodes running in EKS cluster.

kubectl get nodes

Execute the below command to get kubeconfig info, copy the entire content of the file:
cat ~/.kube/config

Open your text editor or notepad, copy and paste the entire content and save in a file.
We will upload this file.

Enter ID as K8S and choose File and upload the file and save.

Step # 3 - Create a pipeline in Jenkins
Create a new pipeline job.

Step # 4 - Copy the pipeline code from below
Make sure you change values as per your settings highlighted in yellow below:

pipeline {
  tools {
        maven 'Maven3'
    agent any
        environment {
        //once you create ACR in Azure cloud, use that here
        registryName = "myacrrepo3210"
        //- update your credentials ID after creating credentials for connecting to ACR
        registryCredential = 'ACR'
        dockerImage = ''
        registryUrl = ''
    stages {
        stage('checkout') {
            steps {
                checkout([$class: 'GitSCM', branches: [[name: '*/main']], extensions: [], userRemoteConfigs: [[url: 'check_out_from_your_repo_after_forking_my_repo']]])
        stage ('Build') {
        steps {
            sh 'mvn clean install'           
    stage ('Build Docker image') {
        steps {
                script {
                    dockerImage = registryName
    // Uploading Docker images into ACR
        stage('Upload Image to ACR') {
             script {
                docker.withRegistry( "http://${registryUrl}", registryCredential ) {
        stage ('K8S Deploy') {
          steps {
            script {
                withKubeConfig([credentialsId: 'K8S', serverUrl: '']) {
                sh ('kubectl apply -f  jenkins-aks-deploy-from-acr.yaml')

Step # 5 - Build the pipeline

Step # 6 - Verify deployments to AKS

kubectl get pods

kubectl get services

Steps # 7 - Access Springboot App Deployed in AKS cluster
Once deployment is successful, go to browser and enter above load balancer URL mentioned above

You should see page like below:

Clean up the Cluster:

To avoid charges from Azure, you should clean up unneeded resources. When the cluster is no longer needed, use the az group delete command to remove the resource group, container service, and all related resources. 

az group delete --name myResourceGroup --yes --no-wait

Saturday, November 5, 2022

How to Enable Web hooks in Azure Pipeline in Azure DevOps | Enable Web hooks in Azure Pipeline in Azure DevOps | Enable Automate Build in ADO

Webhooks allows developers to triggers jobs in CI server (such as Jenkins or Azure DevOps) for every code changes in SCM. In this article, we will learn how to trigger Azure Pipeline build jobs instantly for every code change in SCM.

1. Azure Build pipeline is already configured. If you dont know how to create Azure build pipeline, click on this link.
2. SCM repo have been setup, either in GitHub or Bitbucket or any SCM

Watch Steps in YouTube

Steps to Enable Webhooks in Azure Build Pipeline

Go to Azure DevOps project dash board.

Go to Pipelines

Click on Pipelines

Click on Edit

Click on Triggers tab, Click Continuous Integration checkbox to enable Webhooks.

Click on Save the Job. You don't have to Queue the job.

Now go to your SCM and make a code change, you will see pipeline job will trigger immediately.

Friday, November 4, 2022

How to solve No hosted parallelism has been purchased or granted in Azure Devops Pipeline | Azure DevOps Pipeline Error Resolution


Root cause and Fix:

Microsoft has temporarily disabled the free grant of parallel jobs for public projects and for certain private projects in new organizations. However, you can request this grant by submitting a request. Submit a ticket using below url to request increased parallelism in Azure DevOps. 

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