Tuesday, June 28, 2022

How to Deploy Springboot App into AKS cluster using Azure Pipelines | Deploy Docker Containers into AKS cluster using Azure Release Pipelines | Deploy Microservices into AKS cluster using Azure Pipelines

We are going to learn how to deploy Springboot Microservices Docker containers into Azure Kubernetes Cluster(AKS) using Azure pipelines. 

Sample springboot App Code:

I have created a sample Springboot App setup in GitHub. Click here to access code base in GitHub.

Watch the steps in YouTube Channel:


1. AKS cluster needs to be up running. You can create AKS cluster using any of one of the below options:

2. ACR is also setup in Azure cloud. 
3.  Have Azure DevOps project dashboard in 
4. Dockerfile created along with the application source code for springboot App.
6. Modify K8S manifest file per acr, image name for AKS Deployment

Implementation Steps:

Step 1 - Create Azure Build pipeline for building Docker images and uploading into ACR
Step 2 - Create Azure Release pipeline for deploying Springboot Docker containers into AKS
Step 1 - How to create a Azure Build Pipeline

1. Login into your Azure DevOps dashboard
2. Click on Pipelines.

3. Click on New Pipeline

4. Click on use the classic editor
Enter your repo name and branch name where you have stored your source code along with Dockerfile:

Click on Continue. Now choose the template by typing Docker, Select Docker container and Apply.

Now pipeline is created with two tasks already. We need to more tasks:
Let's add Maven build task for building the JAR file.
Click on + icon and type Maven
And then enter maven goal as package

Let's modify Build an image task.

Select Push an image task

Add a task for Copying YAML file, enter the Kubernetes deployment YAML file - 

Add Publish artifact task

Now click Save + Queue and run to start Building the pipeline

Once the build is completed, you should be able to see the Docker images under 
Services --> Repositories

Step 2 - How to Create Release pipeline for deploying Docker containers into AKS Cluster 

Go to Pipelines --> Click on Releases --> New Release pipeline

Click on Stage 1 and choose a template by selecting
Deploy to a Kubernetes cluster and click on Apply

Change the stage name to Deploy to AKS

Now click on Add an artifact

Select the Build pipeline and click on the latest version

Now click on Deploy to AKS stage
Add Replace token task

Click on + to add task, type token and choose replace token task. 

Now click on replace token task and Clik on root directory, click on ... dots
 select the drop directory from below:

and enter Target file as  aks-deploy-from-acr.yaml

Click on kubectl apply

Now Click on New to enter AKS cluster connection info

Choose the Azure subscription and enter Microsoft user credentials.

Select AKS cluster from the drop down, choose default namespace

Choose command as apply and select the yaml file from the dropdown from Configuration file 

Now click on Save,
Click on Create a release

and then click Create to run the deployment

Click on Stage to see the logs

Now you will see the following tasks are in green to confirm Deployment was successful.

Let's check if deployment created any pods

kubectl get deployments

kubectl get pods

kubectl get svc

Now try to access spring boot application running inside AKS cluster by using external IP and port number

If you see any errors after deploying the pods, you can check the pod logs.
kubectl logs <pod_name>

Go to the browser enter http://external IP

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