Sunday, December 5, 2021

How to migrate a Git Repo from GitHub to Azure Repos? | Migrate a Code from GitHub to Azure Repos including Full History | Import Project from GitHub into Azure Repo

How to migrate a Git Repo from GitHub to Azure Repos including all history?

1. GitHub repo setup in GitHub
2. Azure DevOps account setup and project dashboard created.

Steps to migrate an existing repo from GitHub to Azure Repos
There are many ways to migrate from one Git repo to another Git repo. We will learn how to migrate using UI.

Using import option
You can easily migrate or import a Repo from GitHub into Azure Repos using import option. This will include importing all the branches and history.

1. Login to Azure Repos first. Create a target repo. You will be importing a GitHub Repo into this Repo.

2. Do not check Add a README file option, click on Create

3. Click on import repo

4. Enter source repo details like GitHub Repo url, and select Requires authentication checkbox.

enter username and Personal Access Token or password.

5. Click Import
6. Now you will see GitHub repo fully imported here including history + all the branches.

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