Wednesday, July 8, 2020

How to clean workspace after Jenkins Build - Clean up workspace after every build

You can clean workspace using Workspace cleanup plugin in Jenkins after builds executions.

Install workspace clean up Plug-in

Free Style Job Workspace - cleanup

Go to your existing freestyle job, click on Post-Build actions --> Select Delete workspace when build is done option.

Now run the job. You should be able to see workspace is cleaned up after build is done inside Jenkins node. You will not see any folder with job name, in Ubuntu usually under /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/

Pipeline Job Workspace - cleanup code

Go to your existing pipeline job, you can code something like this below:
pipeline {
    agent any
     tools {
        maven 'Maven3'
    stages {
        stage ("checkout")  {
            steps {
            checkout logic here
    stage ('build')  {
        steps {
            sh "mvn clean install -f MyWebApp/pom.xml"

/*** workspace clean up*/
    post {
        always {


Watch this on YouTube video:


  1. How to use cleanWs() in scripted pipeline

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