Thursday, April 23, 2020

Install JFrog Artifactory on Ubuntu | Setup JFrog Artifactory on Ubuntu | Install JFrog Artifactory 7.X on Ubuntu 18.0.4

Artifactory is one of the popular binary repository managers. It is Java based open source tool, used for storing artifacts.

Artifactory can be integrated with many Continuous integration and Continuous delivery tools. Artifactory is mainly used by Ant, Maven and Gradle build tools. Let us see how to install Artifactory on Ubuntu 18.0.4.

Install Artifactory on 4GB RAM, for AWS choose at least medium instance type.
Default ports 8081 and 8082 needs to be opened.
8081 for Artifactory REST APIs.
8082 for everything else (UI, and all other product’s APIs).

Change Host Name to Artifactory
sudo hostnamectl set-hostname Artifactory

Update Ubuntu OS
sudo apt update

Install Java Open JDK 11 package
sudo apt install default-jdk -y

Download Artifactory 
Add artifactory repository key and file to Ubuntu.
sudo wget -qO - | sudo apt-key add - 

sudo add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] $(lsb_release -cs) main"
Update the package
sudo apt-get update

Install Artifactory
sudo apt install jfrog-artifactory-oss -y
The above message should confirm Artifactory have been successfully installed.
Now let us start Artifactory service.

Start Artifactory 
sudo systemctl start artifactory.service

Create symbolic link
sudo systemctl enable artifactory.service

Check whether Artifactory is running?
sudo systemctl status artifactory.service
Check if service is running locally on 8081 port
curl localhost:8081

Access Artifactory App
Go to browser and open public IP/DNS name along with port no:8081

You should see Artifactory welcome page, login with default username and password which is

After Login, click on Get started. Now reset admin password. enter as Admin123/Admin123

Skip for base URL and skip proxy setup
Click Next

That's it! Artifactory is setup successfully.

How to Integrate Artifactory and Jenkins?

You can watch the steps in details on my YouTube channel:


  1. how we can redirect jfrog to http/https

  2. Hey Coach, is this installation of artifactory still correct. I'm trying to setup the artifactory but i seems to be having some problem with the third steps. error is gpg: no valid OpenPGP data found. this is the step to add the repository key


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