Monday, January 14, 2019

Pre-requisites before starting the DevOps Coaching |

Please watch the video first before you get started:

1. Create an account in Set that as basic free tier account (personal account). role as developer or anything. You need to enter credit card info. But that’s fine, they won’t charge you except $1.
Sign up free account.

Select Basic Plan..Do NOT select developer plan unless you would like to pay every month.

2. Create an account in and
You can sign up using your email.

3. Download and Setup VS Code on your local machine(laptop or computer) by following below link:

4. Start learning Linux Basics:
    Sign up for Linux Basics courses in

5. Learn Agile/DevOps

6. If you are using windows laptop, Install Git client on your laptop by downloading from

Click on download, once downloaded. Go to downloads directory and click on the EXE.
Choose all options by default by clicking on Next and NExt

7. Only if you are using Macbook pro or iMac desktop, please download iTerm from for windows laptop, ignore this step.
Download the iTerm2**.zip file and install iTerm on Mac.

iTerm2 or iTerm 3, anything is fine..


How to Implement CICD Pipeline using GitHub Actions | GitHub Actions Tutorials | GitHub Actions CICD Pipeline | How to Deploy Java WAR file using GitHub Actions to Tomcat Server

Please find steps for Deploying Java WAR file to Tomcat using GitHub Actions: Pre-requisites: Make sure Tomcat is up and running Make sure J...