Sunday, July 15, 2018

Popular DevOps Interview Questions - Top DevOps Interview Questions - Part 3

Let us see some popular but basic DevOps Interview Questions:

1. How will you integrate Jenkins and SonarQube? Walk through steps of Jenkins SonarQube integration
2. Whats the pipeline code for integrating with SonarQube from jenkins?
3. Walk through steps of making a code changes locally and pushing into GitHub or Bitbucket.
4. What is the difference between git clone and git pull?
5. What are the advantages of containers? why we need them?
6. How will you resolve merge conflicts in Git?
7. What is the difference between Ansible and Puppet ? when will you use on tool over other?
8. What is the difference between Ant and Maven? Why maven is better than Ant?

Click here for part 1 DevOps Interview Questions.
Click here for part 2 DevOps Interview Questions.

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